Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Unfinsished Work of Elizabeth D, by Nichole Bernier

I am so disappointed in the book selections from this former book club. I am reading one more of their picks after this, and if it has sex in it too, I’m bowing out.

This book would be a beautiful and deep discussion of what it means to be a friend, sister, mother, and wife if it weren't for the unnecessary (in my view) junk.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Mongtomery

Beautiful, squeaky clean, and full of delight. A plot that wraps your heart around it - set in safe moral ground, with clean humor, and manners taught - is my kind of world.

"Oh Marilla, looking forward to things is half the pleasure in them," exclaimed Anne. "You mayn't get the things themselves; but nothing can prevent you from having the fun of looking forward to them. Mrs. Lynde says, 'Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed.' But I think it would be worse to expect nothing than to be disappointed."

"Somehow," she told Diana, "when I'm going through here I don't really care whether... anybody gets ahed of me in class or not. But when I'm up in school, it's all different and I care as much as ever. There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."

... we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self-denial, anxiety and discouragement.