This is a coming of age story and involves a lot of identity seeking and realizations about the world. I really appreciated the way each chapter ended with a thought-provoking statement - I wanted to stop and consider what Cisneros was getting at, but I also wanted to keep reading and understand more of the story and life of the main character. There are some truly hilarious stories and some almost unbearably sad stories.
If I remember correctly, this book was pretty clean. The girls find some hooker shoes one day and get into a spot of trouble while wearing them. One man takes advantage of the main character by stealing a kiss. She was affronted when her friend let boys kiss her.
This was a book-group pick, and one of the people in the book group was Latina and commented on how true-to-form it is for Latinos to insult each other by comparing them to bad food - cold frijoles and etc. I thought that was funny.