Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Tipping Point, by Malcom Gladwell

I loved this book. It is incredibly well-written and has so many interesting stories and facts. The "Tipping Point" is that magic moment when there is just enough friction to light the match. Gladwell makes the case that everything has a tipping point, and his ideas are fascinating.

"When we are trying to make an idea or attitude or product tip, we’re trying to change our audience in some small yet critical respect: we’re trying to infect them, sweep them up in our epidemic, convert them from hostility to acceptance. That can be done through the influence of special kinds of people, people of extraordinary personal connection. That’s the Law of the Few. It can be done by changing the content of communication, by making a message so memorable that it sticks in someone’s mind and compels them to action. That is the Stickiness Factor. But we need to remember that small changes in context can be just as important in tipping epidemics…

"The Power of Context is saying that those Tipping Points may be as simple and trivial as everyday signs of disorder like graffiti and fare-beating. The implications of this idea are enormous."

I think that anyone who reads this book would find influential ideas that could make their work or personal life better.

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