Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Extra-Ordinary Princess, by Carolyn Q. Ebbitt

Engaging but juvenile. Little girls would surely enjoy having this read to them. There is a great theme of choosing to be oneself despite what siblings, friends, enemies, and grownups think of you. The king and queen are great role models, as are the aunts.

"...the deep anger of the ravens can only poison those who are willing to take such poison into their heart."
I nodded, considering this. It seemed true--if any heart could withstand poisoning, it was Henry's. However, I couldn't help but wonder if I would have been able to withstand it--for although I try to be good, I know I'm not as good as Henry. I don't have the same gentleness and I don't have the same patience.

"Patience," Lucien said, and smiled. "Every journey has its share of stops and each one serves some purpose."

This second quote is one I believe unequivocally to be true - the Lord knows what we need and allows us to grow through experiences we may or may not understand. The result is that if we have faith in Him, we can endure the "stops" or trials along our paths and come away from them more like Him, and ready to face the next challenge.

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